iOS 15: How to Translate Text Using iPhone Camera

hello there guys in this video clip I'' ll show you exactly how to.
translate message using your iPhone camera you wear'' t demand to set up any various other app just.
open up the cam and after that concentrate the message that you wish to equate as you can see the.
yellow brace is already highlighting the text once you see these packets.
easy faucet that brace symbol this will certainly capture the message and also you need to pick.
the text that you desire to convert and after that touch translate it will instantly spot the.
language and equate it to English you can change the language by inputting on the adjustment.
language so allow'' s attempt another one as you can see it'' s already highlighting it tap the document.
symbol and just pick the message tab to equate and also there you go so that'' s it men this is how.
you can translate text using your iPhone camera if you have any kind of questions please leave a.
remark below as well as please register for my network.

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